- Small Business Assistance:
The SWMPDD utilized its revolving
loan fund in achieving the goal of
assisting in the creation and expansion
of small businesses. The Mississippi
Small Business Assistance Program,
Minority Business Enterprise Loan
Program, Economic Development Administration
Revolving Loan Fund, and
the Intermediary Relending Program
provide a sound basis for accomplishing
this goal.
- Elderly
and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program:
The Elderly and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program is a Long Term Care
Program which offers services in the home of clients in order to prevent
or delay institutional placement.
Services offered include:
- Case Management;
- Home Delivered Meals;
- Homemaker Services;
- In Home Respite;
- Expanded Home Health (including Home Health Aide Services);
- Adult Day Care;
- Institutional Respite Care;
- Escorted Transportation;
- Transitional Assistance.
Click here for more information
- Area Agency
on Aging:
This office continually accesses new funding sources to expand services to senior
citizens. The SWMPDD will continue to develop alternatives with which to face
the challenges in the future of providing more services to a growing population
so that these individuals live as independently as possible. The SWMPDD will
continue to provide services to senior citizens in the areas of nutrition, homemakers,
ombudsman, case management and service coordination, transportation, legal assistance,
senior discounts, adult day care, and senior center activities. Also, the office
has increased its efforts in the area of adult abuse identification and prevention,
educational opportunities and employment opportunities.
For information about contacting us, click here.
For information about aging resources
in our district, click here.
To search the Mississippi Get Help Aging and Disability Resource Center, click
- Housing:
The lack of affordable housing has
been made worse by the narrow and
undiversified economic basis of this
area. Currently, this office is planning
means of assisting in the elimination of
these conditions with the assistance of
funds from the Department of Housing
and Urban Development ’s Special Needs
Assistance Program, the Federal Home
Loan Bank of Dallas, the Community
Development Block Grant Program, and
through the Home Investment Partnership
- Technical Assistance:
The office has continued to upgrade
its capabilities in light of the complexity
that the next decade promises in
economic development in southwest
Mississippi. Staff members attend
professional workshops and return to
produce summaries of the information
obtained to add to the office library.
Staff also maintain contacts with
various local, state, and federal
agencies in order to more quickly and
accurately secure required information
from access points on a periodic basis to
keep current the socio-economic data needed for analysis, proposals, and
general information. SWMPDD also
tracks particular subjects, such as
legislation, solid waste management
development, local government reorganization,
grants management, loan
program administration, housing, and
tourism to balance the generalists ’
approach with requisite specificity.
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Regional Planning:
The SWMPDD Workforce Investment Board
works with the Mississippi Development
Authority's Employment Training Division
to determine the most productive
training programs to enable economically
disadvantaged or dislocated
workers to become gainfully employed in
the private sector. SWMPDD ’s goal of
economic development in the broadest
sense is thus enhanced with the
creation of a more motivated and
trained workforce. The WIA program is
coordinated with the other economic
development and training programs in
our office, including child care programs,
senior employment programs,
and is guided by the needs of those
employers who must hire the participants
for the program to be successful.
- The SWMPDD Connection:
The Planning and Development
District functions in a liaison role every
day in one sense or another. It is the
link between government and business,
between different levels of government,
between business entities and the
sources which may improve the
economic environment, and between
individuals who may benefit from
networking with each other. This
function is not to be underestimated in
importance, for without the SWMPDD in
place for this purpose, no other agency
exists to bring together the right people
at the right time. The SWMPDD strives to
provide services on a regional basis more
efficiently than individual units of
governments could provide separately.
- SWMPDD Clearinghouse Function:
As required by Executive Order
12372, this office performs the regional
clearinghouse function pertaining to
government projects. The purpose of
the function is to ensure the nonduplication
of grant applications and to
ensure compliance with the SWMPDD's
Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy (CEDS).